Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Things that make our life as reader/blogger easier

brought to you by: the broke and the bookish

Jeni's Picks:
1. Goodreads: Makes finding new books so much easier. People tend to be more honest on their reviews here to. 
2. Best Friends: I love when people recommend a book they love. Most of my friends know what I like too so I'm sure to love their choices. 
3. Library: I spend way to much on books as it is so its nice to read books for free sometimes. 
4. Kindle: I love love love that I can just shop for a book wherever I am. Its just so easy that sometimes I spend a little to much. .
5. Book Club: This gets me to read books I might not pick up on my own.

Emily's Picks

6. My Dad: I trust his recommendations and usually they are pretty good.

7. Sister: Jeni has a great home library, plus she is usually current on what is new in the publishing world, and I am not.  She has lead me to some great reads.

8. Amazon Your Recommendation List: I have found some great reads on this list. 

9. The last pages of books: You know on the back of some books the publishers put books they have published that are similar to the one you have just read?  I don't know what it's called, but I have actually found some good books by reading that list.

10. The Broke and the Bookish: reading the top ten Tuesday lists!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Goodreads, the library and book recommendations are things that make my life so much easier as well. Thanks for sharing your list.

    My TTT: http://www.bookythoughtsandme.com/top-ten-tuesdays-things-that-make-your-life-as-a-blogger-easierbetter/
