Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday Books We'll Never Read
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish

Jeni's Picks:
1. Paper Towns by John Green: I've read Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars and didn't like either of them. I think of him as the YA version of Nicolas Sparks.
2.11/22/63 by Stephen King: I tried reading this book and couldn't get into it. Plus its really long. 
3. Outlanders by Diana Gabaldon: I also tried reading this book. But the scene where he states he has to spank her for punishment had me laughing out loud and I just couldn't finish the book after that. These books are long and I can't imagine reading seven more. 
4. Defy by Sara B Larson: I was so excited to get this book that my sister and I went to the book launch. The author and her agent were so rude to us.  I wanted to return the book for a refund on the way out. I've met many others and couldn't believe how snotty this author was. Maybe she was having a bad day. But it was her book launch and people were there to buy her book. If your in a bad mood just smile and sign. Don't tell people their home state is a crappy place to live and you know how to spell my sisters name when there are multiple ways to spell it and then actually spell it wrong. Seriously  worst book signing experience ever. 
5. Allegiant by Veronica Roth: My friend finished reading this before me and called me up crying and totally ruined the book. So I have no interest in finishing it. 
6. Eragon by Chrisotohpher Paolini: Too many people have said they loved the first two books but didn't enjoy the last two. 
7. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness: A friend of mine loved this book and begged me to read it. I tried but I just couldn't get into it. 
8.Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick: I barely made it through Hush, Hush and Crescendo. I decided there was no way I would make myself read Silence. 
9. The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling: Too many bad reviews. 
10. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl: I should've made this blog post: Books I started but couldn't finish. The characters in this book drove me crazy. I had to stop reading.

Emily's Picks

1. Sunshine by Robin Mckinley. I am a huge fan of hers, but this book, ugh. Talk about walking into the next trend. I think she should stick with what she does best.

2. Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. This book is not my scene and I wouldn't touch it.  And I'm wondering why women would subject themselves to a book like this. I'll stick with romance that is more in line with a man bringing me chocolates and flowers because he is sweet thank you.

3. Everneath series by Brodi Ashton. I loved the idea of this series, but after book one I just couldn't get myself to read the rest, which is such a shame, because I bought the first two in the series before reading them.

4. Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper. I do not understand why this book has such a high rating on goodreads!  Does any one read the actual book? It was silly, and it was not well written at all! I couldn't even finish it.

5. The Chemical Garden series by Lauren Destefano. Eh. The first book had promise but after hearing about the second book I have very little interest in reading the rest of the series.  And I haven't missed it.


  1. Emily, I really liked the first ok in the chemical garden too. I read the next two, but did not enjoy as much. Awesome Post!!
    Check out my Top Ten Tuesday

  2. Sunshine was actually REALLY good and it came out in 2003 a head of the trend and was re released after vampires got popular.
    My ttt

  3. Fifty Shades of Grey was on mine too, and The Casual Vacancy. I also won't read anything John Green after hating TFIOS. I am going to read Allegiant even though I know how it ends, if only to say I finished the trilogy.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/top-ten-tuesday-3/
