Re-Read The Merchant's Daughter by Melanie Dickerson
Genre: Historical Fiction, Christian Fiction
Publisher: Zondervan
Publication: December 4, 2011
Source: Kindle
An unthinkable danger. An unexpected choice. Annabel, once the daughter of a wealthy merchant, is trapped in indentured servitude to Lord Ranulf, a recluse who is rumored to be both terrifying and beastly. Her circumstances are made even worse by the proximity of Lord Ranulf s bailiff a revolting man who has made unwelcome advances on Annabel in the past. Believing that life in a nunnery is the best way to escape the escalation of the bailiff s vile behavior and to preserve the faith that sustains her, Annabel is surprised to discover a sense of security and joy in her encounters with Lord Ranulf. As Annabel struggles to confront her feelings, she is involved in a situation that could place Ranulf in grave danger. Ranulf s future, and possibly his heart, may rest in her hands, and Annabel must decide whether to follow the plans she has cherished or the calling God has placed on her heart."
When I first Read
February 2012
What I Remember
I enjoyed it. I love fairy tale retellings and Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorites.
Why I wanted to Re-Read
I've been on a re-reading binge of historical/christian novels and I remember liking this one. I know it was a fast read and it would entertain me on the four hour flight to New York.
How I felt after Re-Reading
I think I actually enjoyed the book more this time. I still hate her brothers and wish something horrible would've happened to them.
Would I Re-Read Again
Yes, definitely. I think this is my favorite Melanie Dickerson book.
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