Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm looking forward to in 2015
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish
Jeni's Picks:
1. Mark of the Thief by Jennifer A. Nielson: I loved her Ascendance trilogy and can't wait for this one to be released.
Aslo by this author (bonus)
A Night Divided which is about Cold War-era East Berlin. Sounds Awesome. It comes out in later in the year.
2. The Curiosity Keeper by Sarah E. Ladd: A new series yeah!!!! Her whisper on the Moors series was amazing and got better with every book.
3. The Devil's Only Friend by Dan Wells: The fourth book in his John Cleaver series. If you want a good horror book this should be it.
4. Grave Visions by Kalayna Price: The fourth book in the Alex Craft novels. I'm crossing my fingers that this book really comes out next year. They've changed the release date twice.
5. Silver in Blood by Jessica Day George: New York city 1890 era shape shifters. One of my favorite authors. I've loved everything she has written. This series seems a little darker than what she has written in the past but looks intriguing.
6. The Arctic Code by Matthew J. Kirby: Every book he writes is so different than the last but just as good. Still wish he would write a sequel to Icefall.
7. The Forgotten Sisters by Shannon Hale the third book in the Princess Academy series. Now Miri becomes the teacher and is sent to a distant swamp.
My girls are just dying for this book to come out.
8. Lady Maybe by Julie Klassen: Another of my favorite authors this one won't be released until the end of 2015 but I'm going to be waiting.
(no cover yet)
9. Hidden Huntress by Danielle L. Jensen: I'm not a big fan of reading trilogies until the whole series is released but I heard so many good things about the first book Stolen Songbird and now I am not enjoying the wait till this one is released.
(no cover yet)9. Hidden Huntress by Danielle L. Jensen: I'm not a big fan of reading trilogies until the whole series is released but I heard so many good things about the first book Stolen Songbird and now I am not enjoying the wait till this one is released.
I am also really looking forward to Julie Klassen's new book. She is one of those authors that I don't even have to know what the book is about, I see her name and it automatically goes on my TBR! :)