Top Ten Tuesday:
Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn't
Jeni's picks:
1. The Green Rider by Kristen Britain: I'm not much of a fantasy person so when my sister recommended this book I dragged my feet a bit. It was entertaining in the beginning but it took me about 1/3 of the way through to really appreciate it. I'm glad I read it.
2. Where She Went by Gayle Forman: I didn't like Adam's point of view at first and had a hard time getting into this book. I was so nervous I wouldn't like the ending that I almost took a peek just to make sure I wouldn't be disappointed. Great book and Gayle Forman is an awesome author to meet.
3. On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta: This book took me forever to like. There were too many characters to keep track of but I kept going and ended up loving the story.
4. In the Hall of the Dragon King by Stephen Lawhead: Another fantasy novel. My dad asked me to read this book and swore I would like it. It started off slow and I was doubting my dad but I really liked the ending and finished the whole trilogy.
5. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn: This is one book I wish I would've put down. Halfway through I wanted too but all my friends kept telling me to finish because it would be worth it. I wanted to throw the book across the room when I was finished. I was so mad at all the characters. I hated this book and was furious that I wasted all those hours reading it when I could've read something else.
Emily's Picks
Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. I had not ventured into the world of YA since high school before this book came out, and vampires were not on my top ten to read list, so when my sister told me to read this book, I was leery, and then I started reading, and had to just dig in and read. I can say I was a fan of the first book...and then the rest of the series came out. But i will say that this book introduced me to YA again, and I'm glad that it did.
Divergent by Veronica Roth. This book was a struggle for me. It took me until the middle of it to really get down and dirty with the characters. I think I was just tired of all the dystopia novels at the time. But I dug my heels in, and gave it a try. Please do not tell me how the 3rd book ends!
Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson. I tend to steer clear of these type of books, ask my sister. But she gave this book a glowing review, and I trust her judgement, And I started this book. I wasn't sure, but I was glad I read it.
Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper. This was a free book on the kindle. And out of this list, it is the only one I have yet to finish, in fact, I deleted it from my kindle. It was horrible! And I do not understand why it has such glowing reviews on Goodreads. I would not recommend this book to any one. Phew, I got that off my chest.
The Rook by Daniel O'Malley. This has appeared on my lists before. I'm sorry, this book was yet another horrible read. I will never understand the glowing reviews of this book. One, the main character was the least sympathetic and the most horrible heroine ever written, 2, the use of the "f" word was unforgivable. I understand the use of a slang word, believe me there are times when you might need to use it, but I also believe that an author has the power of the English language, (or any language,) at their finger tips, and they should express that, without having to use a swear word. That's why we have expressive words...RANT OVER. (there were other problems with this book, but you know, this rant is way too long as is)