Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Scariest Books

                                  brought to you by: the broke and the bookish

Jeni's Picks:
1. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan: I don't get scared that easy but this book gave me nightmares. I dreamt of a girl in red crawling after me forever.  I really wanted to finish the series but I was to nervous I wouldn't be able to sleep. 
2. The Restorer (Graveyard Queen) by Amanda Stevens: Another book that gave me nightmares. It was a little weird at times but held my interest. 
3. The Kingdom (Graveyard Queen) by Amanda Stevens: The second book wasn't as scary but it still creeped me out.
4. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz: These books scared me to death when I was a kid but I still read them.  The cover gives me the creeps. 
5. Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn: I loved this book when I was a kid. My daughters are reading it for school. Its not as scary as it was one I was a child but it's definitely a classic ghost story. 

Emily's Picks

1. The Crying Child by Barbara Michaels.  This one was creepy.  It takes the classic gothic styling, and twists it. I hated how the ghost was a child, ugh. It gave me nightmares.

2. The Shinning by Stephen King.  This and will only be the novel I will ever read by Stephen King.  It was sooo scary. I couldn't sleep for days after reading this one.  And who would ever want to sleep in a hotel? I mean, I love hotels, but I would never run a vacant one, that is for sure.

3.  Ammie Come Home by Barbara Michaels. This was the first "ghost story" I ever tried. I think I slept with a night light on. It was a good first read.

4. The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab. This book had what they call atmosphere. It was well thought out, and it was clever. And it was really creepy

5.  Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake.  I am still working on this one.  I read a little, and then I leave it, and then I come back. It's a good Halloween book that is for sure.

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