Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten best/worst book to movie adaptations.
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish
Jeni's Picks:
1. The Bourne Identity: This is one movie I loved better then the book. The book was boring. The movie was awesome. I was skeptical about Matt Damon being Jason Bourne but his performance was mouth watering.
2. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief: I was so mad at the casting of this movie. The actors were to old for what I imagined. This movies just didn't do it for me. The book was so much better.
3. Kiss the Girls. This one was a toss up for me. I liked both. I loved Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd in the movie. I thought the book was more suspenseful but still this pick is a toss up.
4. The Client: Another toss up for me. I loved both the book and the movie. I've watched the movie a couple of times but I've only read the book once. So maybe the movie wins.
5. Something Borrowed: The book is the winner here. The movie wasn't horrible but I'll stick with the book. I liked Jennifer Goodwin but Kate Hudson bombed for me.
Emily's Pick
1. Pride and Prejuidice BBC Adadaption: the BBC has it made. Both adaptations are pretty good, but the eye candy, alla, Colin Firth, helps. They stay true to the book in this adaptation, and you like the characters. They play them well.
2. Ella Enchanted: I had no idea that this movie was adapted from a book the first time I watched it. I loved the movie and when I found out it was a book, I read it. The book was nothing like the movie! I loved both, but come on hollywood!
3. Les Miserables: So, I read this book in high school as part of an english assignment. My teacher took the time to explain every aspect of this book to us. I had heard the music before, but had never seen the musical. And then saw the musical at an outside theater where I live and thought..I will just read the book. And then the movie came out recently. I fell in love with the movie and music.
4. The Host: I had a hard time with both the book and movie, but I hated the movie. The echoing voice? Really? Give your audience some credit.
5. The Runaway Jury: I enjoyed the book, it was interesting and I liked the twists and turns. I enjoy courtroom dramas. And I like legal drama reads. However, the movie? They changed too much of the plot line, the big bad cigerette company changed to a gun company and it wasn't as intense. I would pick the book over the movie any day.
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