Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books 2015
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish

Jeni's Picks:
1. A Desperate Fortune by Susanna Kearsley:
 I loved this book. I actually love all her books. But this is definitely my new favorite.

2. Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson: 
Great read. I recommend it to all my friends that like fantasy. 

3. Breathing Room by Marsha Hayles:
 A middle grade book but a good one. This book is about a little girl that has tuberculosis. It was sad/happy read. 

4. Written in Red by Anne Bishop: I love urban fantasy novels and I can't believe I hadn't read this yet. I read all three books in a week and then suffered withdrawals. The next book doesn't come out till March which seems like forever away. Big Bummer. 

5. Winter by Marissa Meyer: Love, Love, Love this series. What a great way to end it. Another book where I suffered withdrawals after. I might just have to reread the whole series during Christmas break.

6. After You by Jojo Moyes: I was surprised to see all the negative reviews of this book. I sat down and read it in 4 hours and then sat there for another hour wishing I would've savored it a bit longer. I really liked what she did with all the characters. Her whole family was a riot to read about. The only negative was I wanted more. 

7. Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson:
Okay, so I've read this before but it is a life saver. Anytime I'm having a reading slump I reread this book. I read it three times this year. I have a couple of books that are my fall backs. This is usually my number one choice. Drops of Gold by Sarah M. Eden or The Maid of Fairbourne Hall by Julie Klassen are my runner ups. Do you have a book that helps you out of a reading slump?

8. Rump by Liesl Shurtliff: 
Another middle grade novel. A nice twist on Rumpelstiltskin. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Her book Jack: the true story of Jack and the Beanstalk is fun too. 

9. The Curiosity Keeper by Sarah E. Ladd:
I've enjoyed all Sarah Ladd's books. They get better with each new release. I'm looking forward to her next book Dawn at Emberwilde which comes out in May.  

10. Blood Song by Anthony Ryan:
My dad recommended this one. I read it slowly because there was a ton of information to remember. I need to read the next two books. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Book Club Book List

I host a book club for girls ages 10-12. These are the books my girls read this year. 

January: Sky Jumpers by Peggy Eddleman
The girls loved this book. Getting to meet the author was a bonus!!


February: Mark of a Thief by Jennifer A. Nielsen
We absolutely love this author. Her books are an automatic buy for us. 
We went to the book Launch at the Provo City Library but didn't get any pictures:( But we did get ice-cream after. 

March: Rump by Liesl shurtliff
This is such a fun book. WE went to her book signing of her new book Jack and My daughter actually won the book!! Now we are waiting for her new book REd: the true story of red riding hood

April: Flora and Ulysses by Kate Dicamillo
This book received mixed reviews from the book club girls. half really liked it and the other half didn't like it. 

May: Ella Enchanted by gail carson lavine
this is the second book we have read by Gail Carson Lavine. We have read fairest and enjoyed it so much we decided to read Ella enchanted. It is completely different than the movie. We met her a couple of years ago when she came to the Provo city library. we didn't get a picture of that event. It was to busy they so didn't allow them. 

June: Breathing Room by Marsha Hayles
My daughter loves this book. She has read it five times so we decided to read it with the book club. Every girl gave it five stars. simply amazing. 

July: Mr Lemoncello's library 
Another fun book. The activity was a blast. You can get it on the website 

august: The Unwanteds by LIsa Mcmann
THe girls enjoyed this book but what I loved was that they shared it with their moms. I had many of the moms call to see if I had the second book to borrow. 

September: Hook's REvenge
This book is hilarious. I highly recommend it to read to your kids or even read for yourself. the girls loved meeting the author. We actually met her last year at a different book launch and liked her so we bought her book and we are glad that we did. great book!!!

October: Doll bones by Holly Black
creepy good. it wasn't as scary as i thought it was going to be. we only had a few girls not finish because they found it to scary. read with the lights on:)

November: Rules by Cynthia Lord
lots of life lessons in this book. we didn't like how it ended. we all felt it fell a little short and we wanted more. many of the girls didn't like the main character. They thought she was a little selfish. Which led to a great discussion on how we should treat others. 

December: no book. the girls prepare for the battle of the books in january where we test on all the books we read this year. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten New-To-Us Favorite Authors We Read For The First Time in 2015
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish

1. Anne Bishop: The Others Series. I loved this series. The world building was amazing. When I was reading, it really felt like I was watching a mini series in my head. 

2. Marie Lu: Legend Series. My niece couldn't believe I haven't read this series yet. She begged me to go home and read them. I finished the first one the other day. I liked it and I'll probably finish the series but I felt like the ending was a lot like the book Divergent. Both books came out in 2011. 

3. Maureen Johnson: Shades of London Series. Another book released in 2011. That must of been a good year for books because many of the books I've been rereading this year are from 2011. I was going on a trip to London this year so I thought it was time to read this book. It took me awhile to get into it. The girl Rory drove me crazy for the first half of the book. It was just creepy enough to keep me entertained. 

4. Erin Morgenstern: The Night Circus. Another book published in, you guessed it, 2011. Why I didn't read this four years ago beats me. A friend recommended it and for some reason I was never in the mood to read it. It was definitely different. For me it was extremely slow moving. I enjoyed the story I just wanted a faster pace. 

5. Anthony Ryan: Blood Song. Published 2011, crazy. My dad recommended this one to me. I'm not a huge fan of fantasy but my dad gets me to read some. This book was compelling with a fast paced plot. If you like Rothfuss this book would be a great book for you. 

6. Marsha Hayle: Breathing Room. Amazing middle grade book set in early 1940's about a young girl that is has tuberculosis and goes to recover in a Sanatorium. My daughter and I loved this book. 

7. Emery Lord: Open Road Summer. Another book my niece recommended. A fun peek at life bake stage on tour with a music star. 

8. Liesl Shurtliff: Rump. This is a marvelous middle grade book about the true story of Rumpelstiltskin. Lots of fun. My kids love it. Her next book Jack: the true story of Jack and the Bean Stalk is fun too. 

9. Mary E. Pearson: The Kiss of Deception. I bought this book and it sat on my shelf for a year. Honestly I was nervous to read it after all the rave reviews. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it.

10. J.D. Horn: The Line (Witching Savannah). I don't remember very much about this book, which is sad. I read it in January. I remember being entertained enough I finished it but I didn't want to continue the series. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday:
 2016 Debuts Novels We Are Looking Forward To
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish
Jeni's Picks:
1. Blackhearts by Nicole Castroman: Story of the girl that broke the infamous pirate Blackbeard. I've never really liked pirate books but this year I read a middle grade book Hook's Revenge by Heidi Shculz and Becoming Lady Lockwood by Jennifer Mooore, and I enjoyed them both so maybe I just need to read more of this genre. 
2.The Last Cherry Blossom by Kathleen Burkinsahw: A WWII story of a girl that lives through the Hiroshima bombing. This is a middle grade book from a twelve year old girls point of view. 
3. Tell me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum: YA contemporary. Looks promising. 
4. Artifacts by Pete Catalano: Another MG book about a group of friends going against a group of fairies in a race to get a pen used by Jacob Grimm that can rewrite fairytales.
5. The Star Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi:  A Hades/Persphone tail set in Inida. 
I love mythology so I'll probably read this one. 
6. Ivory and Bone by Julie Eshbaugh: Historical fiction two star crossed teens. 
7. Arrows by Melissa Gorzelanczyk: A story of Cupid. Yeah!!!
8. MidWinter by Scalett Kol: YA paranormal. 
9. Of Blood and Shadow by Kerri Maniscalo: A book during the Ripper murders.
10.  In Another lIfe by Julie Christine Johnson: Kind of sounds like a Susanna Kearsley book. A  Past/Present story set in France. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Top Ten Tuesday
Authors We are Grateful For
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish

Jeni's Picks; 
1. Julieanne Donaldson: I love her book Edenbrooke. It is my go to book if I'm in a reading slump.  Her novelette Heir to Edenbrooke is available to buy. My only complaint was that it was to short. I'm looking forward to her next novel. Hopefully it isn't to far off. 

2. Jennifer A. Nielsen: She is an amazing middle grade author. I love reading her books to my children. We have laughed and cried while reading her books. My daughter even stood up once and shouted "NO, she did not just do that." She is fantastic to meet in person too. My girls just love listening to her speak. Her books will always be an automatic buy for my family. 

3. Richard Paul Evans: His Michael Vey series got my daughter to read and to actually enjoy it. I will always be grateful to him for that. When she meet him in person the first time she could barely speak she was so star struck. He gave her all kind of goodies. I know she will remember that experience for the rest of her life. 

4. Mary Higgins Clark: My grandma introduced me to Mrs. Clark's books in high school. I was immediately hooked.  I loved trying to figure out who her villains were. 

5. Anne Bishop: Her Other's series was what I needed this month. I felt like I was reading a TV drama. I absolutely loved it. I've been so busy that I haven't been reading as much as I usually do. But with her books even just a couple chapters a night were entertaining enough. I thoroughly enjoyed the first three books. I just wish the 4th one was coming out like tomorrow and not until March:(

Emily's Picks

1. Terry Brooks: he introduced me to the world of fantasy.  I love delving into a new world and discovering the imagination of another being.  It's the best kind of adventure.

2. Robin McKinley.  She is one of my favorite authors, and who doesn't love the land of Damar and her strong female leads? 

3. Rosamunde Pilcher.  She introduced me to love stories that have a splash of romance.  I love her stories, they let me in to see the beauties and sometimes the realities of life.  Plus I get to romp in England through her eyes, what could be better?

4. Michal Pollan.  He has taught me to be mindful of the world around me, and to think about what I eat.  I will forever recommend his books. He started me on my journey to discovering my self, which is odd, because it's all about food.  But I am more mindful about my self now.

5. J.K. Rowlings, who taught all of us that there is magic in this world.  More than that, she taught us that there are stronger things to hold on too, like friendship, and loyalty, and standing for what you believe in even when others may falter.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday 
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish

1. "Fear can't hurt you," she said. "When it washes over you, give it no power. It's a snake with no venom. Remember that. That knowledge can save you.” 
― Maureen Johson, The Name of the Star.

2. "You only have to change the value of one variable to affect the outcome of the whole equation.” 
― Susanna Kearsley, A Desperate Fortune

3. "Comfort zones are overrated. They make you lazy.” 
― Melina Marchetta, Saving Francesca 

4. "Simple needs make a simple life.” 
―Liesl Shurtliff, Rump

5. "I love talking to people and hearing their stories. Everyone's got their own story to tell, and when you sit down with someone and really talk to them, you can learn so much.” 
― Dan Wells, Mr. Monster 

6. “Memories are precious ... they help tell us who we are.”
― Katherine Applegate: The One and Only Ivan
7. “Somehow, even in the worst of times, the tiniest fragments of good survive. It was the grip in which one held those fragments that counted.” 
― Melina Marchetta, Finnikin of the Rock 

8. " A person can be educated and still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all."
_  Jennifer A. Nielsen, The False Prince

9. "It can take years to mold a dream. It takes only a fraction of a second for it to be shattered."
_ Mary E. Pearson, The Kiss of Deception

10. "Happiness depends on being free, and freedom depends on being courageous."
_ Mary Rutkoski, The Winner's Curse

Emily's Picks

“It is a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up.” J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

“It's a beautiful heart, not a perfect body, that leads to a beautiful life.”   Stephanie Nielson Heaven is Here

“Culture, when it comes to food, is of course a fancy word for your mom.”
Michael Pollan In Defense of Food

“No two people ever view the world from exactly the same perspective, understand things the same way, human or not. The best we can ever do is try.”
― Debra Driza Mila 2.0   

“Other people's houses were always fascinating. As soon as you went through the door for the first time, you got the feel of the atmosphere, and so discovered something about the personalities of the people who lived there.”
Rosamunde Pilcher Coming Home

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish

Jeni's Picks:
Book to Movie Adaptations I'm Looking Forward To
1. Mockingjay (part 2) by Suzanne Collins : The Finale, Yeah!!!!!
2. The Scorpio Races: Crossing my fingers that this one comes true. It still says in development. 
3. The Light Between Oceans: ? release date. Michael Fassbender, enough said I'll go see it. 
4. Me Before You by Jo Jo Moyes:  Release date June 2016 we hope. It was supposed to come out in August 2015. 
5. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: February 2016 I can't wait to go watch this with my sister. 
6. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness: October 2016 seems so far away. 
7. I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells: ? release date
8. Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepety: The movie is going by the name of Ashes in the Snow. Scheduled to begin filming in early 2016 so maybe this one wont come out till 2017. 
9. Beauty and the Beast Not quite sure about Emma Watson as Belle so we shalll see. Release date March 2017. 
10. The BFG by Roald Dahl: I loved reading this book to my kids. 

Emily's Picks

1. Insurgent by Veronica Roth.  Let's just say I don't get to the movie theater very often.  So, this one I will have to watch on DVD.

2.  The Martian by Andy Weir.  I listened to an NPR broadcast about the book, and it was so interesting, I wanted to watch the movie. 

3. Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy.  Carey Mulligan will always be the girl who didn't BLINK.  But I want to watch this movie.  I hope it lives up to my high expectations.

4. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey.  This is coming out in 2016 and I hope it's just as good as The Hunger Games.

5. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs 2016

6. The Scorch Trials by James Dashner.  Like I said, I don't go to the movies that often...

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases
 For the Rest of 2015 
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish
Jeni's Picks:
1. The Curiosity Keeper by Sarah E. Ladd (July 7th): Her writing gets better with each book. 

2. Lady Maybe by Julie Klassen  (July 7th): My favorite author has two books coming out this year!!!!! 

3. The Painter's Daughter by Julie Klassen (December 1st)

4. A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen (August 25th) Another of my favorite authors. This is Jennifer's second book this year. The Mark of a Thief came out early 2015. 

5. Winter by Marissa Meyer (November 10th): November is too far away.

6. The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson (July 7th) sequel to The Kiss of Deception
The first book surprised me. I didn't think I would like it but it was fantastic. Hope the second doesn't disappoint. 

Emily's Picks

1. When by Victoria Laurie.
2. Red Queen byVictoria Aveyard
3. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo 
4. Ice Like Fire by Sarah Raasch
5. The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly byStephanie Oakes

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite YA's We've Read This Year
brought to you by: the broke and the bookish

Emily's picks:

1. The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa. I thought this book was alright.  I liked her other series better.  But if you are looking for a new twist on vampires this should do it.

 2. Nil by Lynne Matson.  I bought this book on a whim, and it was actually a fun read.  I thought it was a stand alone, so I'm a little disappointed that it's a series, but it's a interesting read.  A girl gets swept to an island where you have exactly 1 year to figure out how to get off, or your dead.
3. Stolen Songbird by Danielle Jensen.  This book had some really good moments, and some that were, eh. But I am always a sucker for fairy tales. Pick it up and indulge. Why not?  Trolls, hidden cities, Princes, a lonely girl.  Fairy tale fodder for sure.  It's beauty and the beast, but with trolls.
 4. The Headhunters Race by Kimberly Afe. This book.  Well, it has promise, so I will continue the series.  It's a little like the Hunger Games and The Maze Runner. I wouldn't really compare it though.  I thought it had promise and I liked the boy character McCoy.
 5. The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury. This was a very interesting read. Look at the cover! Twylla is told that she has poison running in her veins, her touch means death.  Her body is owned by the goddess. But her prize is a royal marriage. She is the queen's assassin.

Jeni's Picks: Emily picked a hard subject. I haven't read to many YA's this year. I've read plenty middle grade for book clubs and I've been re-reading some of my favorite books from the past years. So some of my choices are re-reads. 

1. The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson. I saw this book on so many blogs I was a little afraid to read it. I've read some books recently that I hated but other bloggers loved. This book however surprised me. I loved it. I just wished the second book was out already. 

2. The Winner's Curse by Maire Rutkoski. This was another book I read great reviews on. It was a bit slow in parts but I did enjoy the story. The second book is out but I think I'll wait until the third book comes out before I read it. 

3. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins: This was a re-read for me. I haven't read it since March 2011 and I can't believe it. I loved this book the first time around and adored it the second time. I don't think I'll wait 4 years to read it again.  

 4.  Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Another re-read. I had this book on my shelf forever and finally read it and then didn't continue the series. I decided to read it again this year since the finale is coming out in the fall. I have to say the second book Scarlet is my favorite so far. 

 5. The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley: I read The Hero and the Crown years ago but not The Blue Sword. This is an older book, originally released in 1982. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like Tamora Pierce you would most likely enjoy this book. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Re-Read: Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, 
Weathered to Young by Marcia Lynn McClure 
Mrs. Drew Plays her Hand by Carla Kelly,  
The Selection by Kiera Cass
  Hourglass by Myra Mcentire 

Anna and the French Kiss

Genre: YA Contemporary
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
Publication: December 2010
Source: Bought 

From Goodreads: Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris--until she meets Étienne St. Clair. Smart, charming, beautiful, Étienne has it all...including a serious girlfriend. 

But in the City of Light, wishes have a way of coming true. Will a year of romantic near-misses end with their long-awaited French kiss? 
When I first  Read
March 2011
What I Remember
Liking it so much I stayed up all night to read it. Blocking out that Etienne is shorter than Anna. I am five feet tall and have never really thought about dating someone shorter than me. So maybe that was why I blocked that part out. 
Why I wanted to Re-Read
After reading a scary book, I needed a book  that would make me laugh and smile. 
How I felt after Re-Reading
Loved it just as much as the first time. Still believe Etienne is taller. 
Would I Re-Read Again
Definitely!!! I can't believe I haven't re-read it before. 

Weathered too Young
Genre: Western-historical
Publisher:Distractions Ink
Publication: March 28th, 2010
Source: Kindle

From Goodreads:Lark Lawrence was alone. In all the world there was no one who cared for her. Still, there were worse things than independence -- and Lark had grown quite capable of providing for herself. Nevertheless, as winter loomed, she suddenly found herself with no means by which to afford food and shelter -- destitute.

Yet Tom Evans was a kind and compassionate man. When Lark Lawrence appeared on his porch, without pause he hired her to keep house and cook for himself and his cantankerous elder brother, Slater. And although Tom had befriended Lark first, it would be Slater Evans -- handsome, brooding and twelve years Lark's senior -- who would unknowingly abduct her heart.

Still, Lark's true age (which she concealed at first meeting the Evans brothers) was not the only truth she had kept from Slater and Tom Evans. Darker secrets lay imprisoned deep within her heart -- and her past. However, it is that secrets are made to be found out -- and Lark's secrets revealed would soon couple with the arrival of a woman from Slater's past to forever shatter her dreams of winning his love -- or so it seemed. Would truth and passion mingle to capture Lark the love she'd never dared to hope for?
When I first  Read
March 2010 and December 2013
What I Remember
The first time I read it I was skeptical. My friend is a huge Marcia McClure fan and begged me to read one of her books. I am not one for westerns so I'm not sure why I picked this book. It is a little silly in some parts but I enjoyed the story. The second time I read it I just wanted to read a book I knew I liked and could read fast. 
Why I wanted to Re-Read
I stopped reading Marcia McClure books because  all her stories follow the same pattern. I felt I should revisit the one book I liked the most.  
How I felt after Re-Reading
I still enjoyed the story. Slater is by far my favorite character in this book. 
Would I Re-Read Again
Yes, it is a fast read and I like the story. 

Mrs. Drew Play Her Hand
Genre: historical-romance
Publisher:Cedar Fort, Inc
Publication:December 11th, 2012
Source: Bought

From Goodreads:After her husband’s death, Roxanna Drew is faced with the daunting task of providing for her two small girls on her own. Pursued by her lecherous brother-in-law, Roxanna knows her only hope is to escape his grasp by moving into a derelict cottage, owned by Lord Winn—a man known to his tenants only by his checkered reputation.

But when fate brings Lord Winn to her door in the middle of a snowstorm, Roxanna’s not sure which to fear more: letting him into her home or into her heart.

A strong-willed heroine, perfectly paced plot, and plenty of humorous moments make this one of bestselling author Carla Kelly’s most beloved Regency romances. Discover the magic of a love story you’ll want to read again and again.
When I first  Read
March 2013
What I Remember
How have I not run across this author before. I like reading historical fiction and this is the first book I read from Carla Kelly. Lord Winn is fantastic and I loved that he kept saying he never wanted children but gets along so well with Roxanna's. 
Why I wanted to Re-Read
Since this challenge started I have been revisiting books I remember enjoying the first time around and I haven't read a Carla Kelly book in awhile. 
How I felt after Re-Reading
I'm so happy I re-read this one. I enjoyed it better the second time around. Now I think I'll go re-read some of my other favorites from this author. 
Would I Re-Read Again
The Selection

Genre: YA Dystopian
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication: April 24, 2012
Source: bought

From Goodreads:For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.

But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.

Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she's made for herself--and realizes that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined. 
When I first  Read
May 2012 and April 2013
What I Remember
The first time around I thought it was fun. Kind of like watching the Bachelor on T.V. The second time I read it because the second book was coming out and I wanted to remember everything. 
Why I wanted to Re-Read
 I picked up the second book and realized I didn't want to finish the second and have to re-read it again before the third. So I put off finishing this series until now. So this is my third time reading The Selection.
How I felt after Re-Reading
I actually decided to read my girls this series. They loved it. We read it in three days. We actually stayed up to midnight the third night just so we could finish. My daughters are split. One really likes Maxon and the other one adores Aspen. I edited the kissing scenes a little because my youngest daughter is only 11. They both think its funny when I skip a scene and just say they kissed. 
Would I Re-Read Again
This is question I will have to answer when I am done with the series. If I hate the ending of the third book I will probably never read this book again. 

Genre: paranormal
Publisher: Egmont
Publication: June 14, 2011
Source: bought

From Goodreads:For seventeen-year-old Emerson Cole, life is about seeing what isn't there: swooning Southern Belles; soldiers long forgotten; a haunting jazz trio that vanishes in an instant. Plagued by phantoms since her parents' death, she just wants the apparitions to stop so she can be normal. She's tried everything, but the visions keep coming back.

So when her well-meaning brother brings in a consultant from a secretive organization called the Hourglass, Emerson's willing to try one last cure. But meeting Michael Weaver may not only change her future, it may also change her past.

Who is this dark, mysterious, sympathetic guy, barely older than Emerson herself, who seems to believe every crazy word she says? Why does an electric charge seem to run through the room whenever he's around? And why is he so insistent that he needs her help to prevent a death that never should've happened?
When I first  Read
July 2011
What I Remember
That it wasn't ghosts that she saw. Her brother was sympathetic and her sister-in-law was awesome. I didn't  care for the love interest. 
Why I wanted to Re-Read
This is another series I didn't finish and it's been so long since I read the first one. I know I didn't remember enough to go to the second book right away. 

How I felt after Re-Reading
I'm glad I re-read it because I hardly remembered anything. I completely forgot about Kaleb. The sad thing is I don't think I'll finish the series. I did not like this book the second time around. The relationship she has with Michael is annoying.  I found myself rolling my eyes a lot. 

Would I Re-Read Again